Marine Phase 1 Intertidal Habitat Survey
This is a dataset compiled of spatially-referenced survey data obtained from different intertidal communities (biotopes) in Wales. Maps include information on biotope location, species composition, access and photographs points. Additional information is recorded as target notes. Further site information, including site descriptions, geomorphology, uses, impacts, target notes and habitat information is held in an accompanying database Intertidal mapped data provides an integrated information resource for Local Authority structure and development plans on the coast and for the consideration of planning applications. The maps give important regional information about habitat and biotope distribution. They are used in the production and evaluation of Environmental Impact Assessments, assessment of sites as possible Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), as a basis for the development of sensitivity mapping, and as a baseline for developing monitoring of intertidal features in marine Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). Sites are mapped once and therefore are a 'snapshot' in time. All data has been subject to a validation process. The data available to the public under an Open Government Licence has some information redacted. An un-redacted version can be requested and may be provided under NRW licence.
- Identification
- Extent
- Distribution
- Quality
- Keywords
- Spatial Reference System
- Content
- Constraints
- Maintenance
- Metadata
- Identifier
- NRW_DS24333
- Alternative Title
- Arolwg Cynefin Rhynglanwol Morol Cam 1
- Phase1 intertidal target notes.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Species.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Sites.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Map Species.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Map Sites Centroids.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Map Sites.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Map Photos.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Map Access Points.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal LBAP Areas.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal EUNIS L3 regions.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal EUNIS L3 points.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal EUNIS L3 Mapbiotopes.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Biotopes.LYR
- Phase1 Intertidal Access points.LYR
- Phase 1 Intertidal Habitat Survey.LYR
- Marine Intertidal Phase 1 Biotope Mapping Survey of Wales 1996 to 2005
- Ardaloedd Rhynglanw'r Mor Cam 1 Arolwg Mapio Biotopau Cymru 1996-2005
- Phase 1 Intertidal Habitats of Wales
- Habitats of Wales Phase 1 Intertidal Data 1996 - 2005
- Metadata Language
- English
- Lineage
Survey methodology is based on 'Handbook for Marine Intertidal Phase 1 Biotope Mapping Survey'. Biotopes are based on the JNCC report `Marine Nature Conservation Review: marine biotope classification for Britain and Ireland. Volumes 1 and 2. Version 97.06'. Working at a scale of 1:5,000, field survey is based on using a combination of aerial photographs and Ordnance Survey (OS) maps as a template on to which the substratum and biotopes (habitat and associated biological community) are drawn. Features and other information that are not map-able are described in target notes, a site description provides general information on the whole site and further information on biotopes and species are recorded on the survey form. The mapped outputs of this project are static datasets, however some sites have been revisited after the project is finished. The up-to-date biotope and target note maps is the product that is maintained and made available when requesting this data, metadata detailing changes can be viewed through metadata URI 114453.
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2022-08-30
Temporal Extent
- Begin date
- 1996-04-01
- End date
- 2005-10-31
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment
- Oceans
- Geographic Extent
- Wales (WLS)
Vertical Extent
- Medin Extent Keyword
- benthic boundary layer
- Format Type and Description
Geographic Information System
- Specification
[A] ESRI Feature Class [B] Site information recorded on paper and stored in MS Access database (Phase1Acc2k.mdb). [C] Mapped information (biotopes, target note point, photo point, access points etc) recorded on paper and stored digitally in GIS MapInfo tables (,,,,, [D] Data is held within excel spreadsheets. [E] Images stored as transparencies (both in original format and as digital jpeg images).
Geographic Information System
- Resource Locator
- Download Data ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
- Resource Locator
- Web Mapping Service ( OGC:WMS )
- Resource Locator
- Species: Download Data ( WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link )
Data quality
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Conformity
- Commission Regulation (EU) No 1089/2010 of 23 November 2010 implementing Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards interoperability of spatial data sets and services
- Explanation
This dataset has not been assessed for conformance to the referenced INSPIRE regulation.
- Degree
- false
- Lineage
Survey methodology is based on 'Handbook for Marine Intertidal Phase 1 Biotope Mapping Survey'. Biotopes are based on the JNCC report `Marine Nature Conservation Review: marine biotope classification for Britain and Ireland. Volumes 1 and 2. Version 97.06'. Working at a scale of 1:5,000, field survey is based on using a combination of aerial photographs and Ordnance Survey (OS) maps as a template on to which the substratum and biotopes (habitat and associated biological community) are drawn. Features and other information that are not map-able are described in target notes, a site description provides general information on the whole site and further information on biotopes and species are recorded on the survey form. The mapped outputs of this project are static datasets, however some sites have been revisited after the project is finished. The up-to-date biotope and target note maps is the product that is maintained and made available when requesting this data, metadata detailing changes can be viewed through metadata URI 114453.
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
NRW Thesaurus
- target notes
- marine surveys (intertidal & subtidal surveys) (littoral survey) (sublittoral surveys) (bathymetric survey) (see also marine monitoring and MNCR)
- Phase 1 Survey (Phase I)
- habitat mapping
- marine (maritime)
- biotopes
- seashore (intertidal) (littoral) (see also beaches)
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2024-06-13
SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- Habitat characterisation
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2024-03-28
NRW SMNR Keywords
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Coastal Margins (SMNR)
- Animals, Plants and Other Organisms (SMNR)
- Climate (SMNR)
- Regulating Services (SMNR)
- Natural Resources (Incl. Features and Processes) (SMNR)
- Ecosystem Services (SMNR)
- Sea and Coast (SMNR)
- Management Areas (SMNR)
- Ecosystem (SMNR)
- Marine (SMNR)
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2024-06-19
Spatial Reference System
Content Information
NRW Profile
Custom Elements
- NRW Related Title
Marine Conservation Review. Marine biotope classification for Britain and Ireland. Volume 1. Littoral biotopes. Version 97.06
- NRW Related Title
When the tide goes out : the biodiversity and conservation of the shores of Wales : results from a 10 year intertidal survey of Wales
- NRW Related Title
Marine intertidal phase 1 biotope mapping survey
- NRW Related Title
Handbook for marine intertidal Phase I and SSSI Habitat mapping
Limitations on Public Access and Use
- Restriction type
- Other restrictions
Access Constraints Directive
- Limitations
- no limitations
Access Constraints Text
- Other constraints
Part of this dataset is also sensitive and restricted. The sensitive data is as follows; Ostrea edulis, Palinurus elephas, Sensitive data must be kept confidential; general release, is not permitted due to risk of harm to the environment or third parties. Data is released under an OGL licence where sensitive records are removed or shown only at a coarser scale.
Use Constraints
- Use constraints type
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© CNC/NRW All rights Reserved. Contains Ordnance Survey Data. Ordnance Survey Licence number AC0000849444. Crown Copyright and Database Right Data may be re-used under the terms of the Open Government Licence providing it is done so, acknowledging both the source and copyright of the owners. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose. Recipients may only re-use sensitive data under provision and in line with the terms of a NRW licence and NRWs guidance on Ecological data exempt from general release. An un-redacted version can be requested and may be provided under licence.
Attribution Statement
- Other constraints
NRW Conditional
- File Identifier
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-3234333333 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Parent Identifier
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Species Data on the NBN Atlas
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2024-12-09T12:31:37.589Z
- Metadata Standard Name
- Metadata Standard Version