Welsh Invertebrate Database (WID)
The purpose of this data capture was to understand the distribution of species in Wales in order to inform conservation decisions. Collation of around 500,000 invertebrate occurrence records, most of which relate to Wales. This is the primary database used by Natural Resources Wales; incorporates other major invertebrate datasets. Includes terrestrial, freshwater and coastal airbreathing invertebrates but not marine species. The database also contains records of associated taxa and incidental records of other species, including alga, vascular plants, amphibians, mammals, birds, fungi, reptiles and bryophytes. Much of the data has been sent to various UK recording schemes, who may also have supplied this data to the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Atlas. Family groups where data may already have been uploaded to the Atlas includes, Cerambycidae, Ciidae. Mollusca, Aquatic Heteroptera, Brachycera, All butterfly data, Odonata, Ant data, Tipuloidea and Trichoptera. Mainly Wales, although there are occasional records from elsewhere in the UK. The database has been maintained since 1992. Records date from 1500s to present day. Data accuracy is reliant on original sources. However, data has been transcribed by experienced invertebrate biologists in order to research incomplete records and minimise errors. Any uncertainties about a particular record, are noted in the database. Systematic verification has been carried out on significant parts of the dataset. The database is constantly updated. This dataset comprises of surveys entered into Recorder 6 which have been packaged for dissemination onto the NBN Atlas.
- Identification
- Extent
- Distribution
- Quality
- Keywords
- Spatial Reference System
- Content
- Constraints
- Maintenance
- Metadata
- Identifier
- NRW_DS23774
- Alternative Title
- Recorder 6 Record Folder: Welsh Invertebrate Database
- Cronfa Ddata Creaduriaid Di-asgwrn-cefn Cymru
- Metadata Language
- English
- Lineage
Records have been derived from a wide variety of sources, including publications, records provided by schemes and societies, records created by Countryside Council for Wales and Natural Resources Wales staff as part of their normal work, records provided by amateur recorders, other inventories, results from structured surveys or monitoring projects etc. There are over 5,000 different recorders listed in the database. This dataset superseded the UK Invertebrate Site Register (UK ISR) in 1991/2, however, UK ISR data for Wales was incorporated into, and used as a basis for the WID. Other significant surveys which have been incorporated into the WID include Welsh Peatland Invertebrate Survey (WPIS) and the Welsh Parkland Invertebrate Survey amongst others. Significant subsets have been derived from WID for specific purposes e.g. Welsh Marsh Fritillaries, UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) invertebrate data for Wales, Invertebrates on National Nature Reserves. Data accuracy is reliant on original sources. However, data has been transcribed by experienced invertebrate biologists in order to research incomplete records and minimise errors. Any uncertainties about a particular record, are noted in the database, and re. Systematic verification has been carried out on significant parts of the dataset. The database is constantly updated, and updated biannually on the NBN Atlas. Any records where there is not enough information to be fully verified are identified and these are not disseminated to external sources, such as the NBN Gateway or Local Records Centres. All data that is suitable for public release will be made available on the NBN Atlas and given to Local Environmental Record Centres.
- Additional Information
See separate metadata entries 24341, 115679, 107825, 24299, 23780 for further information about specific surveys. This dataset include the Invertebrate surveys undertaken in Welsh Parklands which was developed by the Nature Conservancy Council. The purpose of this data capture was to understand the distribution of species in Wales in order to inform conservation decisions. Survey is comprised of two parts: North Wales and South Wales. Some records within the WID are classed as either NEGATIVE RESULT, NEEDS CONFIRMING, ERRONEOUS or DUBIOUS under the attribute Recorder Name. This means that the species was absent from survey / sample if the survey was done to purposely find that species.
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2015-12-31
Temporal Extent
- Begin date
- 1752-09-14
- End date
- 2015-12-09
- Topic category
- Biota
- Geographic Extent
- United Kingdom (UKM)
- Geographic Extent
- Wales (WLS)
- Format Type and Description
- Specification
[A] Data held in Countryside Councils for Wales' Recorder 6 database. [B] This dataset is also available to download on the NBN Gateway - See Resource Locator
- Resource Locator
View and Download Data
World Wide Web page
Data quality
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Lineage
Records have been derived from a wide variety of sources, including publications, records provided by schemes and societies, records created by Countryside Council for Wales and Natural Resources Wales staff as part of their normal work, records provided by amateur recorders, other inventories, results from structured surveys or monitoring projects etc. There are over 5,000 different recorders listed in the database. This dataset superseded the UK Invertebrate Site Register (UK ISR) in 1991/2, however, UK ISR data for Wales was incorporated into, and used as a basis for the WID. Other significant surveys which have been incorporated into the WID include Welsh Peatland Invertebrate Survey (WPIS) and the Welsh Parkland Invertebrate Survey amongst others. Significant subsets have been derived from WID for specific purposes e.g. Welsh Marsh Fritillaries, UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) invertebrate data for Wales, Invertebrates on National Nature Reserves. Data accuracy is reliant on original sources. However, data has been transcribed by experienced invertebrate biologists in order to research incomplete records and minimise errors. Any uncertainties about a particular record, are noted in the database, and re. Systematic verification has been carried out on significant parts of the dataset. The database is constantly updated, and updated biannually on the NBN Atlas. Any records where there is not enough information to be fully verified are identified and these are not disseminated to external sources, such as the NBN Gateway or Local Records Centres. All data that is suitable for public release will be made available on the NBN Atlas and given to Local Environmental Record Centres.
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
- NRW Thesaurus
- invertebrates (see also specific species)
- species inventory
- data collection (data gathering) (data collation)
- NBN Atlas
- National Biodiversity Network [NBN]
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-12-31
NRW SMNR Vocabulary
- Animals, Plants and Other Organisms (SMNR)
- Natural Resources (incl. Features and Processes) (SMNR)
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Revision)
- 2023-12-27
Spatial Reference System
Content Information
NRW Profile
Custom Elements
Limitations on Public Access and Use
- Restriction type
- Other restrictions
Access Constraints Directive
- Limitations
- no limitations
Access Constraints Text
- Other constraints
Part of this dataset is sensitive and restricted. The sensitive data is as follows: a) Records of numbers and location (at more detailed scale than 10km) of freshwater pearl mussel b) Personal contact details (NB. Name of recorder/determiner accompanying the record are not sensitive). c) Some data has been provided on the condition that it remains confidential. d) Unvalidated records will be withheld until validation complete e) Records identified as unreliable where no further validation can be carried out will also be withheld. Sensitive data must be kept confidential; general release is not permitted due to risk of harm to the environment or third parties. Sensitive data may only be released under an appropriate NRW Licence. Requests should be referred to NRW's Access to Information Officer. Data may be released freely if the sensitive records are removed in advance, or shown only at a coarser scale.
Use Constraints
- Use constraints type
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© CNC/NRW 2008 Recipients may only re-use sensitive data in strict confidence under the terms of an appropriate NRW Licence or equivalent. No publication or dissemination is permitted, except if sensitive records are removed in advance, or shown only at a coarser scale. At a spatial scale at which the records are considered non-sensitive then there are no use restrictions on this data, including for commercial and research purposes. Recipients may re-use, reproduce, disseminate this data free of charge in any format or medium, provided they do so accurately, acknowledging both the source and NRW's copyright, and do not use it in a misleading context. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose, that dissemination or publishing does not result in duplication, and that it is fairly interpreted. Advice on interpretation should be sought where required. To avoid re-using old data, users should periodically obtain the latest version from the original source. Part of this dataset is sensitive and restricted. The sensitive data is as follows - Freshwater Pearl Mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera ). Sensitive data must be kept confidential; general release is not permitted due to risk of harm to the environment or third parties. Sensitive data may only be released under an appropriate NRW Licence. Requests should be referred to NRW's Access to Information Officer. Data may be released freely if the sensitive records are removed in advance, or shown only at a coarser scale.
- File Identifier
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-3233373734 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Parent Identifier
Natural Resources Wales (NRW) Species Data on the NBN Atlas
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2024-05-31T09:44:11.931Z
- Metadata Standard Name
- Metadata Standard Version