Spatial Action Plan for Great Crested Newts in Wrexham, A Manual for Achieving Favourable Conservation Status.
This report draws on a series of previous research reports commissioned by Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and its predecessor body on determining the conservation status of great crested newts, Triturus cristatus, in north Wales. The Welsh Government is obligated to maintain or restore the favourable conservation status of great crested newts within Wales and this report aims to provide practical guidance on how this can be achieved within the County Borough of Wrexham. It is one of a series of three such reports, the other two covering the counties of Flintshire and Anglesey. Due to its legal status, the great crested newt is the focus of considerable conservation effort from a variety of bodies. This document aims to provide an overarching strategy to guide developers, conservation NGO's and local and national government in their efforts in order to achieve the greatest conservation benefit for great crested newts and ensure a unified approach to achieving Favourable Conservation Status (FCS) across the county. To this end, the report is accompanied by a number of GIS layers which will be of particular practical use to those engaged in great crested newt conservation across Wrexham. The report presents a scoring method by which the Current Conservation Status (CCS) of great crested newts can be determined at multiple geographical scales from a single pond to the entire county. It then uses predictive modelling based on geographical, distributional, climatic and historical data to produce habitat suitability maps and to derive survey targets and pond creation targets to enable FCS to be achieved within the county. These techniques can be applied in various land use and planning scenarios and the report provides practical guidance on identifying areas of particularly high or low value for great crested newts, assessing the impacts of proposed developments, designing effective mitigation and the implications of agri-environment schemes for great crested newts. During the modelling process, a total of 2,593 extant ponds were identified within the County Borough of Wrexham. With a view to redressing historic loss (37% of ponds having been lost since the 1843 mapping data), FCS was considered in the light of the level of occupancy that would have occurred at the time of the original mapping relative to current levels of occupancy and Habitat Suitability of ponds to the species (Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) scores). Historically we estimate there would have been 4,116 ponds in Wrexham and a corresponding 640 ponds occupied by great crested newts and 988 ponds with an HSI score >0.7. We propose that the 640 occupied ponds should be used to provide a target level for great crested newts (Favourable Reference Value for Range and Habitat sufficiency). This is further qualified by requiring these ponds have an HSI >0.7 to ensure habitat quality, has at least a medium population, are found at a density of at least 4 per km2 (to ensure population viability) and has a minor (or lower) level of threat (to address the species' future prospects). The Current Status of the species in Wrexham is estimated as having 403 ponds occupied by great crested newts. The approach to identifying CCS and FCS laid out within this document is one of a number which are in the process of being developed across the UK and Europe. Whilst there is currently no single standard approach which can be applied uniformly across a range of species and habitats, one may emerge in the future. With the recent increase in studies looking at European Protected Species and with developing technologies (such as remote sensing and environmental DNA analysis) we may expect that new approaches to status assessment of great crested newts will develop in the near future. We would encourage efforts to learn from this work to further develop practical tools and necessary policy measures to aid the conservation of both for this and other species. However, this d ...
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- Spatial Reference System
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- Metadata
- Identifier
- NRW_DS117601
- Alternative Title
- Cynllun Gweithredu Gofodol ar gyfer Madfallod Dŵr Cribog yn Wrecsam, Llawlyfr ar gyfer Cyflawni Cadwraeth Ffafriol.
- Metadata Language
- English
- Lineage
It is practically impossible to achieve complete survey coverage of great crested newts within Wrexham and this presents difficulties when making informed decisions regarding their conservation, such as how FCS can be achieved. One approach to filling the significant gaps in our knowledge of great crested newts within the area is to use a predictive model. Over recent years, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC), in conjunction with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and its predecessor body, have developed such a model for great crested newts in north Wales, including Wrexham. Previous versions of the model are documented by Amphibian & Reptile Conservation et al (2010) and Arnell & Wilkinson (2011; 2013). The model underpinning this spatial plan is based on Arnell & Wilkinson (2013). They compiled high resolution, recent (1990-2011) great crested newt records and then used the distribution modelling software, MaxEnt (Elith et al 2006), along with environmental layers to produce an estimated probability of presence output for great crested newts in northeast Wales at a 25m resolution across the study area. The model used 19 bioclimatic variables, the effect of land cover was incorporated using the Land Cover Map 2007, pond density was extracted from Ordnance Survey Mastermap and Slope and Aspect layers were derived from elevation data using GIS software. Full methodological details of the model construction are provided within Arnell & Wilkinson (2013). This model has subsequently been modified to include flood risk data as although floodplains often contain many ponds, these are typically unsuitable for great crested newts as they often contain predatory fish. This had caused the earlier versions to overestimate the suitability of floodplains.
- Additional Information
Russell, L. Starnes, T. and Wilkinson, J. (2017), Spatial Action Plan for Great Crested Newts in Wrexham, A Manual for Achieving Favourable Conservation Status, NRW Science Report Series. Report 77 pp69, NRW, Bangor.
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2017-03-31
Temporal Extent
- Begin date
- 1990-01-01
- End date
- 2011-12-31
- Topic category
- Biota
- Geographic Extent
- Format Type and Description
Geographic Information System
- Specification
[A] The final report [NRW Evidence Report No. 077 - Spatial action plan for Great Crested Newts in Wrexham.pdf] in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF formats. [B] A series of GIS layers on which the maps in the report are based with a series of word documents detailing the data processing and structure of the GIS layers.
Geographic Information System
Data quality
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Lineage
It is practically impossible to achieve complete survey coverage of great crested newts within Wrexham and this presents difficulties when making informed decisions regarding their conservation, such as how FCS can be achieved. One approach to filling the significant gaps in our knowledge of great crested newts within the area is to use a predictive model. Over recent years, Amphibian and Reptile Conservation (ARC), in conjunction with Natural Resources Wales (NRW) and its predecessor body, have developed such a model for great crested newts in north Wales, including Wrexham. Previous versions of the model are documented by Amphibian & Reptile Conservation et al (2010) and Arnell & Wilkinson (2011; 2013). The model underpinning this spatial plan is based on Arnell & Wilkinson (2013). They compiled high resolution, recent (1990-2011) great crested newt records and then used the distribution modelling software, MaxEnt (Elith et al 2006), along with environmental layers to produce an estimated probability of presence output for great crested newts in northeast Wales at a 25m resolution across the study area. The model used 19 bioclimatic variables, the effect of land cover was incorporated using the Land Cover Map 2007, pond density was extracted from Ordnance Survey Mastermap and Slope and Aspect layers were derived from elevation data using GIS software. Full methodological details of the model construction are provided within Arnell & Wilkinson (2013). This model has subsequently been modified to include flood risk data as although floodplains often contain many ponds, these are typically unsuitable for great crested newts as they often contain predatory fish. This had caused the earlier versions to overestimate the suitability of floodplains.
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
- NRW Thesaurus
- great crested newts
- triturus cristatus
- spatial analysis
- Favourable Conservation Status (favourable condition)
- Wrexham
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-12-31
Spatial Reference System
Content Information
NRW Profile
Custom Elements
- NRW Related Title
Spatial action plan for Great crested newts in Wrexham
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- File Identifier
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-313137363031 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2024-05-31T09:44:09.412Z
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