Integrated Sites Information System (ISIS) Database
The Integrated Sites Information System (ISIS) is updated continually and consists of several modules, each of which relate to protected sites across Wales. These modules include: Casework - records of all consultations about development proposals and plans received by the former Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) and CCW's responses; Consents and Assents - records for all Section 28 and Regulation 48 Consent and Assent requests received by CCW and CCW's responses; Contacts - information of individuals and organisations who did business with CCW; Features - qualifying and non-qualifying features (species and habitats) on Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs), Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs); Land Agency - manages award and payment process for management agreements on NNRs and SSSIs, including land purchases, and buildings leases; Licencing - details of the species licences granted by CCW to individuals and organisations; Monitoring data - details about which SSSI Features have been monitored; Open Access - records of consultations in relation to the Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act 2000, in relation to parcels of land known as mountain, moor, heath or down; Protected Sites - information on protected sites in Wales, and provides historical data on designation dates aiding the reporting process for designations in Wales; Site Actions - documents and shares information on who needs to do what, where, in order to get special conservation sites into favourable condition; Wales Survey Inventory (WALSIN) - Index to all environmental surveys of NC/NCC since 1949 and bibliography of all files held by NCC, including archives from approximately 1900 until March 1992 (No Actual Data); (See Contains for more information)
- Identification
- Extent
- Distribution
- Quality
- Keywords
- Spatial Reference System
- Content
- Constraints
- Maintenance
- Metadata
- Identifier
- NRW_DS115976
- Alternative Title
- Cronfa Ddata’r Integrated Sites Information System (ISIS)
- Metadata Language
- English
- Lineage
Confidence in the data is variable depending on the module.
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2015-01-01
Temporal Extent
- Begin date
- 1990-01-01
- End date
- 2015-01-01
- Topic category
- Biota
- Environment
- Economy
- Farming
- Society
- Boundaries
- Structure
- Geographic Extent
- Wales (WLS)
- Format Type and Description
- Specification
[A] ISIS Database [B] Some modules within the database have spatial elements.
Data quality
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Lineage
Confidence in the data is variable depending on the module.
- NRW Thesaurus
- designation (designated sites)
- Ramsar sites
- Special Protection Areas (SPAs) (see also proposed Special Protection Area pSPA)
- Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) (see also Candidate Special Areas of Conservation cSAC)
- Geological Conservation Review (GCR)
- Local Nature Reserves (LNR)
- marine nature reserves
- national nature reserves (NNR)
- Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB)
- Open Access ISIS dataset
- countryside recreation
- Open Access Areas
- national parks (see also specific national park names)
- contact list
- names
- owners
- land ownership (land tenure)
- landowners
- occupiers
- licences
- management agreements
- land agency (land agent)
- consents
- Assents
- modification orders
- section 28
- regulation 48
- refusal
- Features dataset
- species (see also endangered species)
- feature
- casework
- consultation (consultation papers)
- objections
- developments
- planning (see also specific planning subjects eg.countryside planning)
- responses
- regulatory authorities
- protected species
- rare species
- sites
- actions
- Favourable condition
- actions database
- monitoring (see specific types of monitoring eg. woodland monitoring)
- baseline survey
- survey methods (survey techniques) (survey) (surveying)
- site assessment
- Wales Survey Inventory (WALSIN)
- bibliographies
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-12-31
- Integrated Public Sector Vocabulary
- land management
- nature reserves
- buildings
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Revision)
- 2013-04-03
NRW SMNR Vocabulary
- Animals, Plants and Other Organisms (SMNR)
- Natural Resources (incl. Features and Processes) (SMNR)
- Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR)
- Soil and Land (SMNR)
- Management Areas (SMNR)
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Revision)
- 2023-12-27
Spatial Reference System
Content Information
NRW Profile
Custom Elements
Limitations on Public Access and Use
- Restriction type
- Other restrictions
Access Constraints Directive
- Limitations
- no limitations
Access Constraints Text
- Other constraints
Part of this dataset is sensitive and restricted. The sensitive data is laid out specifically in the specific metadata entries. Sensitive data must be kept confidential; general release is not permitted due to risk of harm to the environment or third parties. Sensitive data may only be released under an appropriate NRW Licence. Requests should be referred to NRW's Access to Information Team. Data may be released freely if the sensitive records are removed in advance, or shown only at a coarser scale. [See NRW Operational Guidance Note: NRW Ecological Data exempt from general release under EIR]
Use Constraints
- Use constraints type
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© CNC/NRW, 2015. Recipients may only re-use sensitive data in strict confidence under the terms of an appropriate NRW Licence. No publication or dissemination is permitted, except if sensitive records are removed in advance, or shown only at a coarser scale.
- File Identifier
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-313135393736 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2024-05-31T09:39:33.646Z
- Metadata Standard Name
- Metadata Standard Version