Intertidal Monitoring of Rockpools in Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 2007
The Habitats Directive establishes that the management of Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) should aim to achieve the favourable conservation status of habitat and species features listed within its Annex I and Annex II. For SACs in Wales, the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) is therefore required to report on a regular basis on whether features are in favourable conservation status. Pembrokeshire Marine Special Area of Conservation (SAC) was selected for eight Habitats Directive Annex I habitat types and five Annex II species. The SAC is considered to be one of the best areas in the UK for marine reef habitats, a category within the Annex I list. High habitat and biological diversity is of great importance throughout the site, particularly the best documented reefs habitat in the Milford Haven ria-estuary. This dataset includes the results of a survey of intertidal rockpools at Pen-y-Holt on the Castlemartin peninsula.
- Identification
- Extent
- Distribution
- Quality
- Keywords
- Spatial Reference System
- Content
- Constraints
- Maintenance
- Metadata
- Identifier
- NRW_DS111177
- Alternative Title
- Gwaith monitro rhynglanwol ar byllau glan mor yn ACA Sir Benfro Forol yn 2007
- 2007 CCW/ASML Pembrokeshire marine SAC rockpool monitoring Pen y Holt MRCCW1630000000B
- Metadata Language
- English
- Lineage
A well defined mid shore rock platform was identified from local knowledge. Within this area 10 pools were selected for survey, they all had to be at a similar height on shore, have a surface area of more than 0.5m2, be more than 5 cm deep and not more than 4 times as long as wide. A GPS fix was taken for each. Photographs were taken of each pool and basic measurement of depth and length were taken. The presence of typical pool sub-habitats and the influence of silt and scour were recorded as were the presence of typical pool taxa. Percentage cover estimates were made for algae and other cover species and presence of mobile animals and hydroids were recorded. A sample of Corallina officinalis algal turf was collected from each pool and from 4 locations in the Milford Haven. These samples were sent to a laboratory for post-survey identification of cryptic fauna. IECS was contracted in 2005 to establish a series of fixed quadrats across the rocky shore sites within the Milford Haven waterway (Hull et al., 2006). The 2005 survey provides baseline data for this project undertaken in 2007.
- Dataset Reference Date (Publication)
- 2009-02-01
Temporal Extent
- Begin date
- 2007-08-16
- End date
- 2007-08-18
- Topic category
- Oceans
- Biota
- Geographic Extent
Vertical Extent
- Medin Extent Keyword
- benthic boundary layer
- Format Type and Description
Geographic Information System
- Specification
[A] Digital versions of the contract report: Microsoft Word document(s); and an equivalent Adobe Portable Document Format version [B] Excel Spreadsheets of data: - PenYholt_Rockpool_dataV2.xls - Rockpool Algal washings (plus algal weights).xls [C]Marine Recorder file: MRCCW1630000000B [D] A series of MapInfo GIS layers in MapInfo Native format (Tables). Translations from the MapInfo Tables are retained in ESRI Shapefile and MapInfo Interchange formats. [E] Photos
Geographic Information System
Data quality
- Quality Scope
- Dataset
- Lineage
A well defined mid shore rock platform was identified from local knowledge. Within this area 10 pools were selected for survey, they all had to be at a similar height on shore, have a surface area of more than 0.5m2, be more than 5 cm deep and not more than 4 times as long as wide. A GPS fix was taken for each. Photographs were taken of each pool and basic measurement of depth and length were taken. The presence of typical pool sub-habitats and the influence of silt and scour were recorded as were the presence of typical pool taxa. Percentage cover estimates were made for algae and other cover species and presence of mobile animals and hydroids were recorded. A sample of Corallina officinalis algal turf was collected from each pool and from 4 locations in the Milford Haven. These samples were sent to a laboratory for post-survey identification of cryptic fauna. IECS was contracted in 2005 to establish a series of fixed quadrats across the rocky shore sites within the Milford Haven waterway (Hull et al., 2006). The 2005 survey provides baseline data for this project undertaken in 2007.
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2008-06-01
- NRW Thesaurus
- Pembrokeshire Marine SAC
- Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) (see also Candidate Special Areas of Conservation cSAC)
- Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) - SAC monitoring
- intertidal
- rockpools
- coralline algae
- corallinales
- coral weed
- corallina officinalis
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Publication)
- 2023-12-31
- SeaDataNet Parameter Discovery Vocabulary
- Habitat characterisation
- Habitat extent
- Type
- Theme
- Date (Revision)
- 2021-01-06
Spatial Reference System
Content Information
NRW Profile
Custom Elements
- NRW Related Title
Intertidal monitoring of rocky reefs in Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire Marine SAC
- NRW Related Title
Intertidal monitoring of rocky reefs in Milford Haven, Pembrokeshire Marine SAC in 2005
Limitations on Public Access and Use
- Restriction type
- Other restrictions
Access Constraints Directive
- Limitations
- no limitations
Access Constraints Text
- Other constraints
There are no access restrictions to this data. NRW may release, publish or disseminate it freely.
Use Constraints
- Use constraints type
- Other restrictions
- Other constraints
© CNC/NRW 2009. There are no use restrictions on this data. Recipients may re-use, reproduce, disseminate this data free of charge in any format or medium, provided they do so accurately, acknowledging both the source and NRW's copyright, and do not use it in a misleading context. It is the recipient's responsibility to ensure the data is fit for the intended purpose, that dissemination or publishing does not result in duplication, and that it is fairly interpreted. Advice on interpretation should be sought where required. To avoid re-using old data, users should periodically obtain the latest version from the original source.
- File Identifier
- 4f4c4942-4343-5764-6473-313131313737 XML
- Metadata Language
- English
- Parent Identifier
Intertidal Monitoring of Rockpools in Pembrokeshire Marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) 2007 to 2013
- Resource type
- Dataset
- Metadata Date
- 2024-12-09T12:39:20.554Z
- Metadata Standard Name
- Metadata Standard Version